I love the color and scent of the Cherry Blossoms multi surface cleaner; it's so cheery and vibrant, adding a little extra touch in cleaning to make it more fun! However, the scent it leaves makes me think it should only be used to clean the bathroom. I didn’t like the lingering scent it left on my kitchen countertops, because it reminded me of that of a bathroom cleaner. It is nice to know this product has 5x the cleaning power and gets everything clean. It also has 2x the amount of concentrated formula so you can get more clean for longer. It's a great product to get the job done... But like all cleaning products, be sure to keep it out of reach of children. The cap is extremely easy to open, and the color of the liquid could cause young children to think it’s juice, so please use with caution.
You can find the Cherry Blossom Pine-Sol available for purchase soon, in a store near you! You can also visit pinesol.com to see more products and information.
I received a complimentary product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions my own.
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