See White Bird in Theaters Starting October 4th + A GIVEAWAY


   A beautiful coming of age film, White Birdbased on the graphic novel by R.J. Palacio and a pre/sequel to the film Wonder. The plot surrounds stories told by a grandmother that lived through the Nazi ruled areas of France, in World War II. In the beginning, the grandmother visits her grandson, who has started a new school and is dealing with the pressures of fitting in with his peers. She tells him stories of what her life was like around his age, things she went through and how she was treated because of being Jewish. These stories helped soften her grandsons heart, and choose kindness in the end. 

   I really enjoyed watching White Bird. It had everything I’m interested in, in a movie. Action, romance, feel-good, heart tugs, on the edge of your seat, and more! I loved learning of the grandmothers experiences and hearing her narrate throughout. This made it easier to imagine it as if I was right there hearing her stories. The life she, and others, lived and the trauma they all had to go through. It was full of heartache but also love and sacrifice. 
This film was beautifully written and brought to life. I highly recommend! 

   White Bird is in theaters starting October 4th! Get your tickets today

And now for the Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.


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